
Copyright 1996.

The Russian Civil War has been raging for some time. Ukraine has managed to build a powerful army and control half the Black Sea fleet. It is only a matter of time before they take the Crimea. The Russian general decides to save it by surrendering control to the U.N. At this time CBG-14 lead by U.S.S. Thomas Jefferson has entered the Black Sea to enforce a no-fly zone over Georgia. Now the current administration puts the carrier group under the U.N. to help protect the Crimea. Only a renegade Russian admiral has a plan. He destroys a bridge over the Bosphorus and destroys a fuel resupply ship. Now the carrier is trapped and running low on fuel and supplies.

This is the final Carrier written by Keith William who created the series and also the final to deal with the Russian civil war storyline. It is strange to have the Ukrainians in such a position of power and to be the bad guys. They are very much into ethnic cleansing and that is why the U.N. accepted the role of peacekeepers in the Crimea. This happened shortly after the debacle of Somalia where U.S. military forces were under U.N. command. Tombstone Magruder has to deal with the same incompetence and a hostile feminist Secretary of Defense that hates the Navy. Yet he manages to figure out a way to save the carrier group although the Ukrainians still manage to take over the Crimea and presumable ethnically cleanse it.

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