
Copyright 1993.

America has now joined the war to drive the Soviets out of Norway. Carrier U.S.S. Thomas Jefferson manages to hit the Soviet invaders hard and prepares the way for a Marine amphibious landing. The Soviets expand the war and invade Sweden. They also conquer Denmark in a lighting invasion. This allows the Baltic fleet and another carrier group to enter the fight. Jefferson is now caught between two carrier groups. Low on missiles and fuel the situation looks grim. Commander Tombstone Macgruder comes up with a bold plan. Hit the first carrier and sink it then turn around and take out the other.

The next book in the series continues where the last left off. They have successfully stopped a Soviet amphibious invasion and hide out in a fjord. They have a series of fights that almost destroy the carrier. Yet manage to turn things around and defeat the evil Soviet invaders. Tombstone gets to rekindle his romance with news reporter Pamela Drake. Gets promoted to captain and permanently assigned as CAG for the carrier. The action is exciting and feels real. The author really knows his stuff about carrier operations.

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